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Khonsu, Warrior Moon Goddess




Descended from a line of ancient moon gods and goddesses
afro-futuristic feminist
Fiercely intelligent with a warrior spirit (believes these gifts were bestowed upon her ancestors and passed down by the divine power of the Cosmos)


Eyes – can see the deepest meaning in all things (Uncanny powers of perception)
Hair- crown which sits upon her head, containing all the knowledge and wisdom of those who came before her (Unparalleled Intelligence, Wisdom of the Ages and a Boundless Thirst to Learn More)


Discovery of The Dutch Buds:
Khonsu’s home planet has 7 moons. She often travels to the smallest moon to meditate and speak to her ancestors. It was here that one of the ancient elders appeared to her and led her to a barely visible valley completely covered in buds. She was told that any who partake of these mystical buds find their essence transformed into the perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy. This magical herb takes them to an inner place of harmony, reflection and well-being.


Khonsu was tasked with cultivating and sharing these herbs/buds with those seeking the Enlightened Path. Her eyes and hair (perception and wisdom) would guide her on her quest to find those open enough to receive the gift of these mystical herbs (Dutch Buds).

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